Controleur Super Mario Bros 3

Super Mario Bros 3

// Initialize and set up outputs var nes = new jsnes.NES({ onFrame: function(frameBuffer) { // … write frameBuffer to screen }, onAudioSample: function(left, right) { // … play audio sample } }); // Read ROM data from disk (using Node.js APIs, for the sake of this example) const fs = require(‘fs’); var romData = fs.readFileSync(‘’, {encoding: ‘binary’}); // Load ROM data as a string or byte array nes.loadROM(romData); // Run frames at 60 fps, or as fast as you can. // You are responsible for reliable timing as best you can on your platform. nes.frame(); nes.frame(); // … // Hook up whatever input device you have to the controller. nes.buttonDown(1, jsnes.Controller.BUTTON_A); nes.frame(); nes.buttonUp(1, jsnes.Controller.BUTTON_A); nes.frame(); //

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